Our lives are overexposed nowadays, but can we say we truly know anyone?
Producer/director : Kevin Goodtimes
Choreography and concept: Gabrielle Simard & José Flores
Dancers: Gabrielle Simard, Gabby Skalak, José Flores, Krystel-Mary Assaf, Nicolas Boivin.
Music : Nobody Knows - Autograf, WYNNE
Words by Krystel-Mary Assaf
H o m i n u m
HOMINUM raises the rendering of a human creature being birthed into a world in which it has no preconception of, submitting to instinctual temptations.
Producer/director : Matthieu-Olivier De Bessonet - Stéréoscopie
Concept & choreography: CORPUS Collective
Dancers: Elljay Timmagen, Gabrielle Simard, Gabby Skalak, José Flores, Krystel-Mary Assaf
Music - Human - Sevdaliza
Location: Studios SPT MTL
Between the lines
Our creation has been selected for many short film festivals in different cities around the world including Mumbai, Phoenix, Starsburg, Urbana, Whitehorse and Winnipeg.
Between The Lines
Entre nos corps, l’instant d’un souffle
Entre les lignes la douceur de ton corps
Entre nos cœurs tu te défiles
Entre mes mains le bonheur se faufile
Between our bodies, the moment of a breath
Between the lines, the softness of your body
Between our hearts you unravel
Between my hands happiness sneaks away
Producer/director : Sebastian Furtado
Direction artistique: Susannah Haight
Concept : Gabrielle Simard & José Flores
Dancers & choreography: Danielle Lauzon, Elljay Timm, Gabrielle Simard, Gabrielle Skalak, José Flores
Music - Faufile de Charlotte Cardin et CRi
Location: Studios Giovanelli

Photos: Amina Debbache
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